Policies & Procedures

The Water Otter Swim School Policies

This section contains all of the Water Otter Policies that you must be aware of. By submitting a Schedule Request Form to Water Otters, you have accepted these Policies and will adhere to their practices.

  • There are no refunds for missed lessons. Please double check your schedule for planned vacations or other events that may interfere with lessons before registering.
  • Beginning in 2024, if you have missed class due to illness, you may be eligible to schedule an additional class at a discounted rate on one of these pre-set Sundays: (Dates TBD). You may choose whichever Sunday date works best for you (space permitting). Sunday lessons must be requested during your current session via email. We will respond with up-to-date availability and how to register. Only one additional Sunday lesson may be allowed per student per 3-week session.
  • If your child vomits or defecates in the pool there will be a $500.00 pool cleaning fee, as well as a potential $500.00 fee for rescheduling or canceling other lessons occurring that day.
  • If you plan on continuing lessons please schedule future sessions as soon as possible. However, there is no guarantee that the same scheduled lesson time will be available for you in future sessions. Your continuation reservation is ensured only if space is available and when payment in full is received.
  • Lessons will be taught on rainy/smoggy days unless Water Otters deems weather conditions unsafe (i.e. smoke due to fire or lightning due to rain). You will be notified if lessons are to be rescheduled.
  • Payment is required in full at the time of registration to reserve and secure your lesson preferences on the schedule.
  • A parent is required to be present for the duration of the lessons. Under specific circumstances, other responsible caretakers (guardians, nannies, housekeepers, etc.) can come in lieu of a parent. This decision is at the owner’s discretion. Requests must be in advance via email.
  • Payment is due in full for all sessions before any lessons begin.
  • Since lessons begin on time, please arrive on time and have your child ready (i.e. sunscreen applied, dressed in their bathing suit, etc.). Your child may not receive their full lesson time if they enter the water late.
  • Please avoid feeding your child one half hour prior to your lesson time.
  • Please be sure to respect the privacy of the residents.
  • Please arrive about 5 minutes before the time of your lesson, do not arrive too early, and please leave at the conclusion of the lesson.
  • Only students who are taking a lesson are allowed in the pool. Students are not to use the pool for “free swim”. Students are not to play in the pool or on the property before or after lessons.
  • If it is necessary to bring additional children be sure to keep all noise to a minimum and keep them close to you; their safety and any damages to property are your responsibility.